Easy Home Cleaning Tips For Ganesh Festival
One of the most popular festival of India is Ganesh Chaturthi. The festival of Ganesh Chaturthi is much awaited, significant and cheerful celebrations for the Maharashtra. Bhaadrapada Shukla Chaturthi known as Ganesh Chaturthi as per the lunisolar Hindu Calendar. This festival is celebrated once a year with great enthusiasm especially in Maharashtra as Chatrapati Shivaji initiated the festival long ago. Flowers, colourful rangoli,Puja accessoceries, Idol of lord Ganesha, Durwa, pandit for puja,decoration things,Modak,we are set to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi on 13th Sept 2018.
are loads of listed things in the checklist- shopping decoration,
ornaments of
making rangoli and top of the list is cleaning the home. Don’t
forget to begin with making a list of all that needs to be cleaned.
Here are some simple tips to help you get sorted.
all things are very useful for the Ganesh
festival. There are loads of listed things in the checklist shoping
decoration new clothes
Clutter: Make
way for the new by getting rid of everything old and useless. The
unwanted and unnecessary things are responsible to make your home
look like dirty. Dispose of all those old magazines, broken
furniture, crockery or children’s toys that are never going to be
used. They only occupy space. You can donate them to any of those
organizations or NGO who will be more than happy with old stuff or
simply give bags to your domestic help.
Shine -
Furniture is the movable object to the shine. It Clean the floors
effectivly withfloor cleaner. Make your floors look like new again.
Spray the mixture of & cup water, ½ cup of baking soda, ½ cup
of leamon. Let sit for an hour then scrub off. This is the best DIY
tip for floor cleaner.
Wardrobe: First
of all sort out the useless, old and useful clothes. Change the paper
or clothes off the racks. Fold all of the clothes and arrange it
properly. You can install the drawer or make a separate compartment
in the wardrobe. Hang the closet item neatly. Fold the heavy clothes
instead of hang.
Home Appliances: Home appliances are like
Television, ceiling fans, Refrigerator etc can be cleaned by using
cleaner. Use little soapy water to shine the inside and outside of
the fridge. Use painting roller and wrap it with the help of dryer
sheet. Use it for clean the ceiling fans, others high, out of reach.
Cleaning: Kitchen cleaning start by cleaning the
racks, walls, dishes, bowls, kitchen appliances. Use a DIY cleanser
for cleaning the kitchen tiles, mix equal quantity of vinegar and
soapy water. There is some pest like ant, cockroach, bugs may damage
your kitchen appliances. So you can hire Pest
Control Services near you or
apply pest control tips. Make habit of wiping or cleaning after using
the kitchen appliances.
is the starting place for love, Hope, and dreams. A clean home is a
happy home. In fact, cleaning a house before any festival is a ritual
and whether you like it or not. Otherwise, you have best option to
hire home
cleaning services to
get home cleaned for the festival.
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