5 Diseases Spread by Moisquito
are considered one of the most dangerous creatures on the planet
because of their ability to spread deadly diseases. These are the
some prelavant diseases spread around the world by moisquito bites.
is by far the most devastating virus carried by mosquitoes. Fever
is a major symptom
of malaria,
which includes shaking chills, aching muscles, tiredness, headaches
and nausea. Symptoms usually occur within 10-28 days of being bitten
by a malaria-carrying mosquito. Due to the loss of red blood cells, a
malaria infection can result in kidney failure, seizure, coma or
death if not treated promptly.
Nile Virus was first identified in the West Nile region of Uganda in
1937.Symptoms and sign of West Nile virus include fever, headche,
body aches, skin rash and swollenlymph nodes. Severe symptoms and
sign may include stiff neck, sleepiness,disorientation, coma and
paralysis. Most cases of West Nile virus infection are mild and go
unreported. There is no specific treatment on West Nile virus.
the dengue virus multiplies and damages cells, an infected person
begins to show symptoms similar to other infections: High fever,
headaches, back and joint pain, rashes and eye pain. If the fever
lasts up to a week and is followed by bruising and bleeding, those
are symptoms of dengue hemorrhagic fever.
people that become infected with the virus will develop some symptoms
usually within three to seven days after a bite by an infected
mosquito. The
most common symptoms are fever,joint pain and swelling.
patients feel better in about seven days, but in some individuals the
joint pain may last for months.
fever is a serious, potentially deadly flu-like disease spread by
mosquitoes. It’s characterized by a high fever and jaundice.
Jaundice is yellowing of the skin and eyes, which is why this disease
is called yellow fever. This disease is most prevalent in certain
parts of Africa and South America.
have been co habituating with humans from thousands of years. They
have caused serious diseases and are real threat to our safety and
health. We need to understand the importance of pest control in our
homes. A clean pest free surrounding is necessary for overall health
of family.
Control Services in Goregaon west to
keep your home safe from dangerous mosquito
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